The Second International Haiku Contest: Klostar Ivanic 2005, Croatia
organized by Tourist Community of Klostar Ivanic and haiku poets of the region

Haiku in English only.
Deadline: In hand - April 4, 2005
Free of charge.
Open to all  contestants must be 12 years of age or older.
Send only unpublished haiku.
Theme: any theme is welcome, but remember Nature and man as a part of it
Judges: Vladimir Devid , Ruzica Mokos and Vida Pust Skrgulja
Haiku may be sent by e-mail or by post. Please send five haiku with your name, address, telephone number, profession, age.

Results will be on the Internet in October, 2005.

For information about results by snail-mail, please enclose envelope with
your address and 1 International Postal Coupon.

First Prize: USD 80,00
Second Prize: USD 60,00
Third Prize: USD 50,00


Postal address:
Turisticka zajednica Klostar Ivanic
Trg Sv. Ivana 6
10316 Klostar Ivanic, Croatia

e-mail: (Subject: For the contest)

The Result of the First International Haiku Contest Klostar Ivanic 2004, Croatia