1.    The aim and description of the event


The aim of the event is to bring together haiku writers and haiku researchers living across the World for an international congress. Through lectures and workshops, participants can gain knowledge about each othersf works and activity, with particular attention to the contacts between haiku and cultures of different nations. We plan to publish a publication summarizing the proceedings of the congress. As an auxiliary event we plan to organize a haiku exhibition as well as setting up spectacular haiku installations across the city (in public areas like bus stations etc.).


The festival is special event not only on a European scale, but it draws world-wide attention. Members of World Haiku Association expect the congress with great interest from all around the World, from New York to Tokyo, from Stockholm to Cape Town. Haiku is a pearl of literature popular everywhere since the early 20th century. In Hungary there are at least 200 people writing haiku regularly, making the congress an interesting event locally as well. The President of the organization is Banfya Natsuishi, one of the most popular Japanese poets. His book titled Birds was published by Balassi Publishers in Hungary in Japanese, Hungarian and English languages


With this event we hope to strengthen Hungaryfs role in cultural life and to contribute to making the city of Pécs a cultural capital for the future, too.


Number of professional participants (planned): 50 people from 23 countries.

The installation at public spaces will be seen by tens of thousands of people.


2.    Location of the congress:


fHunyorf Guest House of University of Pécs

Pécs city



University of Pécs

7624 Pécs, Jurisics M. u. 16.
Phone: +36(72)512-640
Fax: +36(72)512-643

GEO: 46.082625, 18.215239


3.    Event period:

Congress: from 6th to 8th August, year 2010






4.    Detailed schedule:


If location is not indicated, the programme is at fHunyorf Guest House.

The topics of the lectures are under preparation.


6th August 2010

          1200 -1700

˜       Welcoming the guests and taking them to the place of accommodation

˜       Registration


˜       Opening speech by the President of the Congress

˜       Reception

˜       Reading

˜       Visiting the haiku exhibition

7th August 2010

          800 -900 Breakfast

          900 -1200 Lectures and readings

          1200 -1400 Lunch

          1400 -1700 Workshop and haiku competition

          1700 -2200 Joint Ceremony with the Origami Association (Location: Tettye cave)

˜       Welcome speech by the Mayor of Pécs

˜       Cultural programme

˜       Handing out the prizes and remembrances

8th August 2010

          800 -900 Breakfast

          900 -1200

˜       Workshop, renku writing

˜       Readings

          1200-1300 Closing speeches

˜       Closing speech by the President of the Congress

˜       Farewell speeches by guests@@@@@@@@@

          1300-1430 Lunch

          1430-1600 Taking the guests to the train station


Optional programmes:


Participants of the Congress can visit:

-       the world-famous Zsolnay porcelain factory

-       the Villány wine region for wine-tasting (by bus)




1 000 000 (one Million) Forint (HUF) by Pécs2010 Nonprofit Ltd.; Hungarofest public company; Arts Council; Cultural Committee of Pécs City Municipality and City Council.

1 000 (one thousand) EUR by Japan Foundation

Under consideration: financial support by Association of Japanese Companies in Hungary (Shokokai)