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Erika von Stetten

no email German
no personal web site Germany

He was born in 1927 in Deggendorf on Danube, Germany.
Elementary and secondary education at Nuremberg and Vienna, Austria. Graduate study of German, History, and English (preparation for teaching) at Erlangen University (Germany). Married to Wolfgang von Stetten, MD, six children. Publication of poetry and short prose in several magazines; readings in Upper Franconia and Vienna.

"Sonne und Wolkenschatten" (Sun and Shadow of Clouds), her first collection of poetry in traditional Japanese poetry forms, published 1996 as a
"Pocket Print" at Graphikum (Göttingen).
2002: publication of a second volume, "Dalmatinisches Skizzenbuch" (Dalmatian sketches).


Author: Erika von Stetten
Martin Berner


Revised Thursday, 14-Feb-2002 11:41:41 EST.
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