Deborah Russell English United States

Upcoming West Coast performances: California, Oregon, Washington and Canada. Substitute teacher, Baltimore County Schools. Websites include: Parallels Studio, Poetic Reflections & Deo Tribe. Previous owner, Parallels Studio & Gallery. Past Secretary of International Art Galleries Association, Previous Vice -President/Executive Board Chair-Art Institute & Gallery (Salisbury, Md) Founder, KIDZART, 1983. Arts advocate, previous Cultural Arts Chair: MD Congress of Parents & Teachers. Present member of Poetry Project (NY), Poetry Society of America, Baltimore Writer's Alliance, World Haiku Club, Tanka Society of America, Haiku Society of America. Life member: World Congress of Poets-World Academy of Arts & Culture). In 2002, Traveled to Japan, September,for study of Japanese culture and haiku. In 2003, Haiku North America , New York City, USA. Haiku Published in the following journals: Buddha's Temple, Haiku Poet, World Haiku Review, Haiku Society of America's: Modern Haiku, Mainichi News, AMAZE, journal of Cinquain, Gunpowder River Poetry, Yu Ouyang's "Otherland", featured writer on websites include World Tempos Journal, Director- Mitsugu Abe, Quill and Parchment, Verge, News International's, "Tapestry", Karachi, Pakistan.(Jang Publications), Illinois Times, Kamakura Prints and international poetry magazines/journals: New Zealand Poetry, South African Poetry Review and Scotland Poetry.

a japanese cat confused
by english
laughter trickles above
the mountain path
hojinoie temple
a monks cat meditates
in the sun
japanese folk songs
winding through mountains
mogami river
lake biwa
the morning mist rises
with a mantra
a tree full of sparrow songs
suddenly silent
her pink kimono
his black umbrella
rainy season
tokyo moon
the only starlight
his eyes
quiet mountain
dragonfly wings
capture the sun
dull gray day --
the red of a robin's breast
brighter in kyoto
lotus pond
the sound of rain spills
from the leaves
moonless night
the lights from the bridge
bridge the water
his bright smile
as he captures one
rainy season
the colourful spash
koi pond
so far from home
so near a friend

Author: Deborah Russell



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