Alain Kervern French & Briton
no personal web site France

He was born in Saigon in 1945. Graduated from l' Ecole Nationale des Langues Orientales, then got Master of Letters at l'Université de Paris 7. Currently he is teaching Japanese language and culture at l'Université de Bretagne Occidentale. He works as Co-Director of WHA. He lives in Brest of Brittany (France).

Publications: Le Grand Almanach Poétique Japonais 5 tomes (1990-1994), Bash_ et le Haïku (1995). Three haiku collections: Les Portes du Monde (1992), Le Livre des âmes Abandonnées (1997) and . Tro Breizh (2000). Co-authored publication: Comment imaginer un temps sans océan? (1999).

He won Prix du chant traditionnel au Panceltic Festival de Kellarney, Irlande, 1985. He was invited as a panelist at the Moden Haiku Association's The First International Contemporary Haiku Symposium (Tokyo, 1999) as well as The Second World Haiku Association Conference Symposium (Tenri, Japan, 2003). Regular contributor to the haiku journal "Ginyu".


Author: Alain Kervern
Ban'ya Natsuishi
Translator: Ban'ya Natsuishi


Revised Thursday, 14-Feb-2002 11:41:41 EST.
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