An ox after all “If you lie down like that, you’re gonna become an ox for
sure”, my nanny so cautioned me again after the meal. I was three
or four years old then, and I had a habit of lying down on the
tatami mat soon after the meal, flipping through a children’s
picture book or two. My nanny was raised in a strict samurai
family, thus knew all the refined manners. I guess that was what
my parents thought and asked her to look after me. With its swaying tail, As I got older, I learned that I had been born in the year
of the ox, and became interested in my disposition, comparing
with that of the ox. I learned also that the ox is a ruminant,
which explains the constant munching. I came to like the dairy
products, and longed for the treat of sukiyaki meal with juicy
beef. The ox seems slow in motion and maybe in head as well.
However, as in bullfighting, the animal makes quick but wise,
and challenging moves. I made the similar move when I met a wife-to-be
girl, though I am still unsure if I was as wise as the ox. The year of oxen - ------------- なんと言っても、丑 「食べてすぐに寝っころがると牛になりますよ」 しっぽ振り 成長するにしたがって、私は自分が丑年生まれてあることを知り、自分の気質を牛のそれと比べることに興味をいだいたりした。牛が反芻動物であることも知った。それで、いつもクチャクチャ口を動かしていたのだ。食べ物では乳製品が好きになったし、すき焼きの汁気たっぷりの牛肉が食べたくてしかたがなかった。牛は動きが鈍重で、きっと頭の方も同じだろう、と思ったりした。しかし、闘牛では、敏速でかつ懸命、そして挑戦的な動きをするではないか。私も、後に妻になる女性に出会ったときは似たような動きをした。もっとも、牛ほど懸命な動きであったかは今だ確信がもてないのだが。 六十丑赤きムレタを探しおり |