Casimiro de Brito Portugese Portugal

Born in Algarve, Portugal, 1938. His cultural activity began in 1953 and includes contributions to newspapers, poetry readings, poetic works, fiction, essays, diaries and translations. His activity has also involved countless lectures and colloquia at schools, factories, cultural associations and universities at home and abroad, included rather frequent attendance at conferences and poetry festivals all around the world. He has edited several literary magazines: Cadernos do Meio-Dia (1956-1959), Outubro/Fevereiro/Novembro (1970-1972), Loreto 13 (organ of the Portuguese Writers's Association), Columba (Portuguese and Brasilian magazine of poetry).
He is president of the Portuguese P.E.N. and director of three poetry festivals: in Lisbon, at Porto Santo (Madeira) and at Faro (Algarve). He was President of the Association Européenne pour la Diffusion de la Poésie. He is advisor of the World Haiku Association. He is the author of 39 titles of poetry, fiction, aphorisms and essays and his works have been included in more than one hundred anthologies and translated into 19 languages. Several prizes for his work, including some international prizes, the last of them (2002) the first "Poetry International Prize Leopold Sedar Senghor"

Labyrinthus, 1980, Portuguese Writers Association Award; Ode & Ceia, 1985 (includes his production from 1955 to 1984; Versilia/Itália award for the best book of "Collected poems"); Ni Maître ni Serviteur, 1986; Subitamente o Silêncio, 1991; Intensidades, 1995; Opus Affettuoso, 1997 (P.E.N. Poetry Award); Pouco de Pouco, 1999 and the selected poems O Amor, a Morte e Outros Vícios, 1999; Na Via do Mestre, an answer to the Tao te-King, 2000; Arte Pobre (collecting a few books), À sombra de Bashô (a renku with Matsuo Bashô), 2000; the book of aphorisms, Da Frágil Sabedoria, 2000; Na Barca do Coração, his diary of the year 2000 ; Animal Volátil, 2002.


De canto em canto
vou caindo
no charco do silêncio
        From song to song
I'm falling
               into the pond of silence
Sentado na areia
com saudades do mar
o continente acaba

Sitting on the sand
  nostalgic of the sea
the Continent finishes

Nem todo o vento
sopra da mesma maneira?
ouço o meu cá dentro
Neither all the wind
  blows the same way?
I hear mine inside me
Tomo na mão uma pedra
e penso: uma nuvem
um pouco menos efémera
I take a stone in my hand
 and I think: a cloud
  less ephemeral
Ecos. Pegadas
sem som ? a terra toda
um grão de pó
    Echos. soundless
footsteps? the all earth
    a grain of dust
Todos os trofeus
são cinza ? as constelações
duram um pouco mais
    All trophies
are ashes ? constellations
    last a little more
Pedras são árvores
apenas um pouco
mais antigas
      Stones are trees
    just a little
Matei um mosquito?
mas antes dê-lhe a beber
o meu melhor vinho
I killed a mosquito?
 after giving him a drink
of my best wine
O poeta
compondo o seu haicai
perde-se no bosque
Composing his haiku
 the poet is lost
in the wood
A borboleta vai morrer?
no céu das minhas lágrimas
um arco-íris!
              Butterfly is dying
          in my tear's sky
a rainbow

Author: Casimiro de Brito
Ban'ya Natsuishi
Translator: Casimiro de Brito


"De canto": intensités/intensidades (1999)
"Sentado na" : Ginyu No. 16 (2002)
"Nem todo": Ginyu No. 16 (2002)
"Tomo na": Ginyu No. 16 (2002)
"Ecos": Ginyu No. 16 (2002)
"Todos os": Ginyu No. 16 (2002)
"Pedras": Ginyu No. 16 (2002)
"Matei": Ginyu No. 16 (2002)
"O poeta": Ginyu No. 16 (2002)
"A borboleta": Ginyu No. 16 (2002)

Revised .
Copyright © 2001 World Haiku Association.
All rights reserved.

All poetry the copyright of the author.
All translations the copyright of the translator.

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