Dritëro Agolli

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Dritëro Agolli was born in 1931 in Menkulas Devolli, (Albania). He studied in Leningrad and is one of the most outstanding Albanian poets. He writes short stories, romances, plays, and essays but his main subject is poetry. Among his best books are: "Shkëlqimi dhe rënia e shokut Zylo (The Rise and Fall of Comrade Zylo) 1973, "Nëna Shqipëri (Mother Albania) 1974, "Fjala gdhend gurin (The World Carves a Stone) 1977, and "Fletorka e Mesnatës (Midnight Notebook) 1998 (with haiku poetry). Mother tongue: Albanian. Located in Tirana, Albania.






Ah, ditët e qeta
U tretën aq larg
Të djegura shkrumb!
Ah, quiet days
vanished in distance
burnt to ashes! ...
Hëna e ftohtë në pellg,
Korbi çlodhet në shelg
buzën e gjelbër të lumit
cool moon in the pond,
raven resting on a willow
on the green river bank

Kur humb një grua,
Shter një krua
Dhe vdes në zall nga etja

when a woman is lost,
a spring dries up
and dies of thirst on the sand

Author: Dritëro Agolli
Editor: Kathleen P. Decker
Translator: Avni Spahiu


Revised .
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All translations the copyright of the translator.

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