Eqrem Basha

eqrem_basha@hotmail.com Albanian
no personal web site Kosova

Eqrem Basha was born 1948 in Dibra, Macedonia. He studied Albanian Language and Literature at the University of Prishtina. He writes poetry and plays. Among his books are: "Opuset e Maestros, "Shëtitje nëpër mjegull 1971, "Udha qumështore 1986, "Brymë në zemër 1989. He lives in Prishtina, Kosova.







ka ardhur dikush të më zgjojë
ka fjetur dhe vetë
në gjumin tim është mbështetë
someone has come to wake me up
he himself fell asleep
in my sleep he is leaning
nëse dikush troket e s,ndihet i gjallë
dije jam unë vetë
dhe zemra e mbushur mallë
if someone knocks and seems lifeless
you should know it is me
my heart filled with longing
cicërojnë cijasin rënkojnë
ciu-ci ciu-ci cërrrrr
bie borë bie breshër bie shi
they twitter squeak groan
twitter-twitter quack
it snows, hails, rains

Author: Eqrem Basha
Editor: Kathleen P. Decker
Translator: Avni Spahiu


Revised .
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All translations the copyright of the translator.

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