Franjo Hrg


Franjo Hrg was born on March 21, 1933 in Ivanec, Croatia. He is a retired teacher of Croatian and Russian languages and the accordion. He is active as a composer and as the author of musicological texts and school texbooks; he is a photographer and editor of Ivanec's Miscellanies, among the founders of Ivanec' Culturological Circle. For his work in dialectology and lexicography received several awards as well as for his music. He has published poetry since 1958, in the kajkavian dialect he started publishing in 1974. So far, he has published 10 collections of poetry, haiku, senryu and poetry miniatures. He has also published numerous professional publications. He has gained many awards and recognitions for all his work.

Author:Franjo Hrg
Editor: Djurdja V. Rozic
Translator: the above
gle, puni mjesec / HAIKU CALENDAR, Ludbreg, 2003;
raskos planine / The Klostar Ivanic Haiku Miscellany, Klostar Ivanic, 2004;
olovni dani / V. McMaster, 100 Croatian Haiku, Zagreb, 2000;
suncano jutro / The 4th Haiku Day Dubravko Ivancan, Krapina, 2002;
podnevno zvono / The 10th Samobor Haiku Meeting, Samobor 2002;
prisojna strana / HAIKU No. 19/20, Zagreb, 2003;
smedju haljinu / The 1st Haiku Day Dubravko Ivancan, Krapina, 1999;
setnja sumarkom / HAIKU CALENDAR, Ludbreg, 2003;
po cijelcu snijegu / HAIKU 17/18, Zagreb, 2003;
snijeg prebijelio / Haiku susreti, Ludbreg, 2004;

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