Author: Frano Vlatkovic
Editor: D.V. Rozic
Translator: D.V. Rozic and Marinko Spanovic
tiha utiha / The 38th A-Bomb Memorial Day,
Kyoto, Japan, 2004; zasjala duga / The Klostar
Ivanic Haiku Miscellany, Klostar Ivanic,
Croatia, 2004; vjetar s mora / Collection
POSUDICA ZA SUZE ( A Tiny Vessel for the
Ttears); omot cokolade / Collection ZIRAFI
PREKO KOLJENA( Over the Giraffe's Knee);
na goloj hridi / Collection NA LJULJACKI
(On the Swing); kapljica smole / Collection
IZNAD VJETRA(Above the Wind); krupne oci
/ Collection MORE SE MORU IZLILO (The Sea
Ebbed out to the Sea); krasopis noci / Collection
SPOZNAJA NESANICE (Cognition of Insomnia).