Ivka Kraljevic

ivka.kraljevic@hi.hinet.hr Croatia
www.ivkakreljevic.tk Croatian

Ivka Kraljevic was born on March 9, 1940 in Komiza, Vis Island. After finishing the elementary school in her native town (1954), she graduated from Teachers Training School in Split (1959) and then from Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb (1964). As a Croatian language professor she worked all the time in high schools. Currently she works at Third Grammar School in Split. She writes poetry and haiku in Komiza dialect (cakavstina), in which she has published a book of haiku "In The Heart of The Azure" (Hermes Publishing, Zagreb 1998) and in stokavian standard in which is written her second book of haiku "In Blue Infinity". Her poems were published in book ''Haiku in Dalmatia'', the international haiku magazine "Vrabac/Sparrow" and "Haiku", magazine "Marulic", Anthology of Croation Haiku Poetry and miscellanies of haiku meetings in towns of Samobor,Ludbreg, Krapina, Klostar Ivanicc


Author:Ivka Kraljevic
Editor: D.V. Rozic
Translator: D. Plazanin, V. McMaster, M. Spanovic
zelena dolina / The 1st Haiku Day Dubravko Ivancan, Krapina, 1999;
mirno more/ VRABAC/SPARROW, Samobor 2000;
sivi oblaci, crvenim sesirom / M. Cekolj, M. Spanovic: Croatian Haiku Antology, Samobor 1999;
nemirno more / HAIKU ZBORNIK, Ludbreg 2004;
zalazi sunce / The Klostar Ivanic Haiku Miscellany, Klostar Ivanic, Croatia, 2004;
pada noc / HAIKU No. 21/22, The Association of Croatian Haiku Poets, Zagreb, Croatia, 2004;
cuci na zalu / V. McMaster; 100 Croatian Haiku, DHHP, Zagreb 2000;
budi se dan / HAIKU No.17/18 The Association of Croatian Haiku Poets, Zagreb, Croatia, 2004

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