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Marela-Marija Mimica was born in Split in 1936. A retired math teacher and poet.

Beside poetry in the form of haiku and senrju she writes and publishes poetry and short stories for children and poetry for adults in several journals, magazines and anthologies at home and abroad. Marela-Marija Mimica is an author of a picture-book "I love animals" in nursery rhymes (Zagreb, 2000), a collection of riddles in verse "Little Magnifying Glasses" (Zagreb, 2003) and a haiku collection "Steps and the Tracks". She lives and creates in her native town Split, Croatia. She is a member of the The Association of Croatian Haiku Poets ­ Zagreb.

She received numerous awards, commendments and recognitions for haiku in English and in Croatian.


Editor: Djurdja V. Rozic


International Commendments and Awards:

Kroz oblak Mjesec / Ito En, 1998, 7th Inspiring Mention
Crni leptir / A-Bomb Memorial Day, 2000 and Anthology "Poets International 2001" (Bangalore, India)
Svjez snijeg pokriva / Kusamakura, 2001, the 2nd prize
Neprskan kupus / The Haiku Society of India's World Haiku Contest 2001", Commendment
Vjetar donosi / A-Bomb Haiku Meeting, 2001, Commended Haiku
Sustanje lisca / Ito En, 2002, the 2nd prize
Slika palmi / Mainichi Haiku Contest, 2002, Commendment
S teskom torbom / Mainichi Haiku Contest, Tokyo 2003, the 2nd prize
Netko me zove / Mainichi Haiku Contest, 2004, the 2nd prize
Suhi list-zarez / Ito En, 2004, Judge's Award


National Awards and Commendments:

U tisini / Ludbreg Haiku Meeting, 1998
Zeleni pacvork / HAIKU No. 15/16, Zagreb 1999, Selected haiku
Rublje na suncu ­ Dan Dubravka Ivancana, Krapina, 2000, the 3rd prize
Suha prasina / Ludbreg Haiku Meeting, 2000
Na plecima / Zlatko Juras: Haiku in Dalmatia, an anthology, Podstrana, 2000
Novina kisne / Zlatko Juras: Haiku in Dalmatia, an anthology, Podstrana, 2000
Zena prodaje / Visnja McMaster: 100 Croatian Haiku, An Anthology for the Haiku Cards game, Association of Croatian Haiku Poets, Zagreb 2000
Na vrtuljku ­ Haiku Calendar Ludbreg 2003, the 3rd prize


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