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Tomislav Maretic Croatian

Born in Zagreb in 1951, Tomislav Maretic works in Zagreb as an infectologist on the HIV Ward of the "University Hospital for Infectious diseases".

He has been writing haiku for the past 25 years and the majority of his haiku was published in "Marulic" - The Magazine of Croatian Literary Society "Saint Jerome". His haiku was published in several national and international periodicals and electronic haiku magazines. He won several awards and honourable mentions on the international haiku contests and his haiku was presented in several international and national haiku anthologies and almanachs.

In 1988, together with Vladimir Devidé and Zvonko Petrovic, he wrote the first
renga in Croatian language and in 1995 the book "Renge"(Sipar, Zagreb) was
published. He is one among the authors of common, billingual (Croatian/English) haiku
collection "Seven Ways" (Zagreb, 2000). In 2002 he published the collection of free verse poetry "Naplavine".

He lives in Vrapce, a little village near Zagreb on the foot of Zagrebacka gora, with his wife Ana, four children and a tomcat.

Author: Tomislav Maretic
Editor: Djurdja V. Rozic


International Awards and Commendments:
zimski vjetar ­ K_ko Kat_: Four Seasons, K_ Poetry Association, 1991
ljetni sumrak, -W.J. Higginson: Haiku Word, Kodansha International, 1996
vruce zgariste ­ Hawaii 1992; W.J. Higginson: Haiku Word.
dijete stresa ­ Ito En, 1991; Zen Poems, Manu Bazzano 2002; W.J. Higginson: Haiku World
ronac leti tik ­ Hawaii, 1999
cak ni A-bomba ­ A-Bomb Memorial Day, 1999
izmedju dva bora ­ Kusamakura, 2000
na praznom trgu ­ 'Sakura' Book of Haiku, edited by Jörgen Johansson & Robert D. Wilson, ©River Man Publishing, November 2003
pred krcmom ­ James W. Hacket Award (The British Haiku Society), Honourable Mention.
zora na trznici ­ Ito En, 1995
dolaze gosti ­ Azami Spring Haiku Contest ­ First place 1998
crni oblacic ­ Haiku Headlines, Second place for April 1995
tigrova sjena ­ Haiku Headlines, Second place for February 1996


National Awards and Commendments:


sam na putu ­ Vladimir Devidé: Antologija hrvatskoga haiku pjesnistva, Zagreb1996
noc na trznici ­ Visnja McMaster: 100 Croatian Haiku, An Anthology for the Haiku Cards game, Association of Croatian Haiku Poets, Zagreb 2000
tiho jezero ­ Ludbreg Haiku Collection, 2002
a tko ti je kriv ­ Haiku, Spring/Summer, 2003
na praznom trgu ­ Klostar Ivanic, 2003
sunce je zaslo ­ Samobor Haiku Meeting, 2004


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