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Zeljko Funda Croatian

Zeljko Funda was born in Varazdin, 1950. He lives in Varazdin and works in Varazdin's Gymnasium where he teaches English and publishes magazine D GIMNAZIJA TAJMZ. In 1988 he published a book of novels Varazdinske price (The Varazdin Novells) and two books of poetry on Kajkavian dialect (1991 and 1997). He has been represented in collections and anthologies of Kajkavian poetry. He has been published in both domestic and international collections and anthologies of haiku poetry and has received many awards and commendments.

Author: Zeljko Funda
Editor: Djurdja V. Rozic


Medjunarodna priznanja /International Awards
List - Itoen, 1989. Posebna nagrada/ Special Award
Subotnje ciscenje - Ashiya, 1998. nagrada predsjednika Japanskog drustva za klasicni haiku/ Special Award
Prvi snijeg -Kusamakura, 1998., Treca nagrada/ 3rd prize
Zalijevam - Kusamakura, 2000. Druga nagrada
Natovaren kapljom rose, - Itoen, 2001. Druga nagrada/ 2nd Prize
Pocetak lipnja - Kusamakura, 2001., Druga nagrada/ 2nd Prize
Besana noc - Surugu Baika, 2003. Pocasno priznanje/ Honorable Mention
Spusta se vecer - Itoen, 2003, Pocasno priznanje/ Honorable Mention
Cisto nebo - Mainichi 2003, Pocasno priznanje/ Honorable Mention

Domace nagrade/Domestic Awards:
Nocno pecanje -Ludbreg, 2000., Druga nagrada
Selsko dvorisce* - Krapina, 2002., 3rd Prize/ Treca nagrada
Selsko dvorisce ­ Krapina 2003, Treca nagrada / 3rd Prize


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