World Haiku Association Poet Contributed To United Negro College Fund

The audience listened with joy to the enchanting music from a variety of radio stations as a relaxing part of their day. Poetry recitals also brought a smile to their faces as they went to and fro in the Grand Avenue Mall. The entertaining event was the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) annual fundraiser Phone-a-thon. Gloria Ricks (pictured left), of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin UNCF office coordinated the event. The annual UNCF fundraiser was held nationwide in most major cities.

Participants during the event included World Haiku Association published poet Joseph Spence (pictured right). Joseph, who is a member of Trilogy Poetry, conducted poetry recitals every hour for the audience from his recently published book, Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul and his first book, A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose and Thoughts for the Mind, Body and Soul. His recitals electrified the audience and coincided with the raffling of tickets for the Aretha Franklin review, which was also carried live by the radio station supporting the fundraiser.
Other participants at the UNCF event included Jonathan Clarence Parrish Spence (pictured left). Jonathan is the youngest member of Trilogy Poetry and is the co-author of Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul and A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose and Thoughts for the Mind, Body and Soul. Jonathan, who is also a violinist, orator, and actor, played numerous violin selections for the audience. His performance brought smiles to many faces attending the fundraiser; in return they enthusiastically rendered ovations for his exciting musical skills.

Sheila Parrish Spence (pictured right with a recent purchaser of Trilogy Moments) of Trilogy Poetry also performed several poetry recitals for the audience. Her recitals excited the audience and ovations were rendered. The Spence family of Trilogy Poetry (mother, father and son poetic team) signed several books for members of the audience and a contribution from the proceeds was made to UNCF. The funds will go towards supporting Historical Black Colleges and Universities where minority students are seeking higher education.

The event culminated with a gala affair and tribute to Aretha Franklin by video broadcasting. Trilogy Poetry maybe viewed at or

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