1st Place: WHA Certificate, a copy of Ban’ya Natsuishi’s haiku book, a copy of Sayumi Kamakura’s haiku book singned by each author and a Natsuishi’s calligraphy.
2nd Place: WHA Certificate, a copy of Ban’ya Natsuishi’s haiku book signed by the author and a Natsuishi’s calligraphy.
3rd Place: WHA Certificate, a copy of Sayumi Kamakura’s haiku book signed by the author and a Natsuishi’s calligraphy.
選者-International Judges
夏石番矢(日本)Ban’ya Natsuishi Japan カジミーロ・ド・ブリトー(ポルトガル)Casimiro de Brito Portugal ユディット・ヴィハル(ハンガリー)Judit Vihar Hungary ジム・ケイシャン(米国)Jim Kacian (USA) 鎌倉佐弓(日本)Sayumi Kamakura Japan
結果発表-The Results
第8回世界俳句協会大会席上 2015年9月5日午後 明治大学駿河台キャンパス リバティホール
will be announced during the 8th World Haiku Association Conference on 5 September 2015.
Please send us your haiku by first downloading the submission form for the 1st WHA Haiku Contest.
何組でも投句できます 1. You can submit haiku in any language with Japanese, English or French version. Please use MS Word! 2. Haiku must be unpublished. 3. Please note your full name (penname as a haikupoet), nationality, sex, age, postal address, email address. 4. One submission of 3 haiku with submission fee: 1000 yen, 10 US dollars or 8 euros. You can submit more than one. PayPal account: sayumikamakura@msf.biglobe.ne.jp 5. Deadline: 31 July 2015. 6. Email to natsuishi-banya@memoad.jp