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Mugen Sekinin Chukanhojin
World Haiku Association

Articles of Association

31 January 2008

Annual membership fee (separate page) & World Haiku Association fund

Jim Kacian (USA)
Ban'ya Natsuishi (Japan)
Dimitar Anakiev (Slovenia)

Director: Ban'ya Natsuishi (Japan)
Treasurer: Sayumi Kamakura (Japan)
Website Director: Bin Akio (Japan)
Advisors: Tohta Kaneko (Japan), Vladimir Devide (Croatia),
Casimiro de Brito (Portugal), Kuniharu Shimizu (Japan),
Kaj Falkman (Sweden)

Honorary Members
Andres Ehin (Estonia), Ron Riddell (New Zealand),
Jim Kacian (USA), Orlando Gonzalez Esteva (USA & Cuba),
Aleksandar Prokopiev (Macedonia), Mohammed Bennis (Morocco),
Raul Henao (Colombia), Komelijus Platelis (Lithuania),
Leons Briedis (Latvia), Tianzin Cai (Chaina)

About 200 members (from all over the world)

Home Office
World Haiku Association Home Office
c/o Ban'ya Natsuishi@3-16-11 Tsuruse-nishi, Fujimi, Saitama 354-0026 Japan
Tel. / Fax.: +81-49-252-9823 E-mail: haikubanya@mub.biglobe.ne.jp

Official Website


(As of 31 March 2004: 25 countriy/area Poetry Editors: in "Poetry", introductory information regarding almost 200 haiku writing members located in Japan, USA, Australia, England, France, Germany, Holland, Portugal, Greece, Slovenia, Ireland, Yugoslavia, Serbia, Croatia, Iran, Brazil, etc.

1. To recognize and encourage international standards for excellence in haiku without losing appreciation for local and cultural norms.
2. To organize and carry out a system of haiku education to appreciate and understand these standards and norms.
3. To provide a forum where poets from many and diverse ethnic, religious, sexual, national, economic and political backgrounds may publish without prejudice or censure.
4. To promote haiku in all languages, and translation practices which will further the sharing of haiku, while respecting Japanese as the matrix of haiku and acknowledging the use of English as the current international language of haiku.
5. To hold meetings, contests, publications and correspondence to create and promote a sense of community throughout the whole of the haiku world.
6. To act as a resource center, providing books, instruction and resources to communities which are unable to gather their own.

1. To accomplish the Mission of the Association as indicated above, the Association will establish the World Haiku Association.
2. The Home Office of the World Haiku Association will be located in Japan.
3. The top ranking officers of the World Haiku Association will have the title of Director and 3 or fewer will be appointed from Japan, North & South America, Europe and other countries and areas.
4. Every two years, the World Haiku Association Conference will be held. Various events concerning World Haiku will be held at this Conference.
5. Election of Directors and officers of the World Haiku Association will be held at the Conference, and a Steering Committee for The World Haiku Association Conference and Committee Chairman will also be appointed to handle the affairs of the World Haiku Association related to the Conference.
6. The annual Membership fees will be established based on the economic conditions of each respective Member's country and will be payable each year.
7. If the need arises, the World Haiku Association will have the power to appoint Advisors.
8. In order to support the activities of the World Haiku Association, the Association will have the authority to permit the establishment of Branches and Departments in different geographic areas.

Annual Membership Fee
(including subscription & submission fee for annual WHA publication of "World Haiku")


6,000 yen
North American

South America

West Europe

35 Euros
East Europe/Russia

13 Euros


Africa/Middle East


World Haiku Association Account Information
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (Swift code & BIC code: BOTKJPJT), Ikebukuro Higashi-guchi Branch (Branch number: 173) Account number: 1778074 , Account name: Sekai Haiku Kyokai Kaikei Inui Sayumi.

History and Activities to Date
In 2000, from 1 to 3 September, in Tolmin, Slovenia, the Inaugural World Haiku Association Conference was held; 62 persons attended this conference from 11 countries. A portion of the proceeding was featured on NHK as a television program entitled, "HAIKU - Beyond the War in The Balkans". (Broadcast: NHK Channel 1, 30 December, 2000). Dimitar Anakiev designed the original logo mark that was used from the time of the Inaugural Conference until 31 December, 2002.

1 September 2000,
Ginko-Tolminka Gorge
3 September 2000, Panel Discussion
Tolmin Mayor's Conference Room

October 2000: Source of pictures: Ginyu Press, in commemoration of the Inaugural World Haiku Association Conference; an international Haiku anthology, "Transparent Current" published (edited by Ban'ya Natsuishi).

December 2000: Jim Kacian(USA), Ban'ya Natsuishi(Japan) and Dimitar Anakiev(Slovenia) officially establish the World Haiku Association(WHA).

December 2000: Red Moon Press (USA) publishes "A Dozen Tongues 2000" (with editing and translation help from the Association). Profits go to Unicef. 21 June 2001: the official website of the World Haiku Association inaugurated: http://www.epiphanous.org/wha/

December 2001: Red Moon Press (USA) publishes "A Dozen Tongues 2000" (with editing and translation help from the Association). Profits go to The Nature Conservancy.

November 2002: Bin Akio becomes manager of official website and domain name is acquired: http://www.worldhaiku.net/

January 2003: New WHA logo mark created by Kuniharu Shimizu.

1 October 2003: "The Second World Haiku Association Conference Program Haiku Anthology"i48 pagesjpublished.

3-5 October 2003: The Second World Haiku Association Conference(WHAC2)held at Tenri City in Nara, Japan. Attended by about 100 persons from 13 countries.

4 October, 2003:
WHAC2 Symposium
5 October, 2003:
Tenri Central Library

October 2003: Scenes from the Second World Haiku Association Conference carried on NHK world TV and NHK Satellite 1 ("Weekend Japanology").

November 2004: Annual publication "World Haiku 2005" (No. 1, Nishida-shoten, Japan) published.

May 2005: WHA Junior Haiku Contest 2005 held.

15-18 July 2005: The 3rd World Haiku Association Conference (WHAC3) held at Sofia and Plovdiv of Bulgaria. Attended by about 150 persons from13 countries.

16 July 2005: WHAC3 Speech (EBCC,Sofia) 18 July 2005: Haiku Reading (Plovdiv)
8-10 December 2005: WHA supported Euro-Japan Poetry Festival in Tokyo.
December 2005: Annual publication "World Haiku 2006" (No. 2, Shichigatsudo, Japan) published.
September 2006: Became a mugen sekinin chukanhojin (a kind of Japanese legal person).
January 2007: Annual publication "World Haiku 2007" (No. 3, Shichigatsudo, Japan) published.
September 2007: WHA Junior Haiku Contest 2007 held.
14-16 September 2007: The 4th World Haiku Association Conference (WHAC4) held at Tokyo. Attended by about 270 persons from 12 countires.

15 Sept.2007:WHAC4 Speech (Meiji Univ.) 16 Sept.2007: Suigetsu Hotel Ohgaisou

January 2008: Annual publication "World Haiku 2008" (No. 4, Shichigatsudo, Japan) published.
October 2009: The 5th World Haiku Association Conference (WHAC5) in Lithuania scheduled.

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