第3回WHA俳句コンテスト・The 3rd. WHA Haiku Contest
3rd WHA Haiku Cotest winner(PDF)
The 3rd World Haiku Association Haiku Contest Submission Form 2019
Updated on July 1, 2019 更新日
3rd WHA Haiku Cotest winner(PDF)
The 3rd World Haiku Association Haiku Contest Submission Form 2019
Updated on July 1, 2019 更新日
ALLAHABAD – 211011 (U.P.)
主要な俳句詩人についての批評書籍をサイバーウィットがまた出版してきたことも付け加えられるでしょう。これらの本を出版する主要な目的は、最も高名な俳句詩人を解明し、批評的に解釈することです。サーバーウィットが出版した最も意義ある俳句批評書籍はのいくつかは、『夏石番矢の詩的業績』、『夏石番矢の夢幻世界』、『鎌倉佐弓の俳句 批評的研究』、メアリー・バーネット『俳句は二十一世紀に出会う 鎌倉佐弓の俳句』です。
World Haiku Association Award 2019
Winner: Cyberwit.net
ALLAHABAD – 211011 (U.P.)
Many thanks to the highly prestigious World Haiku Association for its decision to give World Haiku Association Award 2019 to Cyberwit.net. I along with Karunesh Kumar Agarwal both feel grateful to Ban’ya Natsuishi and Sayumi Kamakura for such act of kindness. Both of us got a golden opportunity to meet Ban’ya Natsuishi and Sayumi Kamakura for the first time in a highly impressive 20th Annual International Literary Festival Druskininkai Poetic Fall, 2009.
No doubt, Cyberwit has always endevoured to encourage the appreciation and writing of haiku poetry across the globe. This is evident by the fact that our publishing house has regularly featured latest haiku by the contemporary international poets in our literary journal Taj Mahal Review published in June and December annually. We also regularly include best haiku in our another prestigious journal Harvests of New Millennium published annually.
I have a great deal to say concerning Cyberwit’s haiku poetry publications. Those who wish to understand this will agree with the fact that Cyberwit has also published an increasingly large number of haiku poetry collections and anthologies including poets from different nations of the world.
We have published immortal haiku poetry by Ban’ya Natsuishi and Sayumi Kamakura. Shirley Bolstok aptly says about the book 100 Haiku by these renowned international poets: “I recommend the book 100 Haiku by Ban’ya Natsuishi and Sayumi Kamakura for the timelessness it gives you so you can stand under the moon, run under the sun, watch the stars and then float down a river. You watch a star falling and then chase it to see where it lands. You may find a rainbow waiting for you.”
But although we receive a large number of haiku submissions, we feel it is necessary to select only really artistic haiku for publishing in our anthologies and literary journals. The best haiku always create an enlightened awareness, ‘the aha! moment’ or `distillation of a moment’.
In the contemporary world full of chaos and anxiety, haiku has been aptly described ‘islands of sanity’. It is true that nowadays the readers due to their hectic life seldom have time to read longer poems and novels. That is why haiku has become immensely popular all over the world.
It may be added that Cyberwit has also published critical books about the major haiku poets. The main aim of publishing these books is the elucidation and critical interpretation of the most renowned haiku poets. Some of the most significant haiku criticism books published by Cyberwit are The Poetic Achievement of Ban’ya Natsuishi, Ban’ya Natsuishi’s World of Dreams: An Intensive Study of Selected Haiku, The Haiku of Sayumi Kamakura: A Critical Study, and Haiku Meets the 21st Century: the Haiku of Sayumi Kamakura by Mary Barnet.
Santosh Kumar (Editor)
第2回世界俳句協会俳句コンテスト結果/The 2ns WHA Haiku Contest Results
2017年9月10日/10 September 2017
Sumissions in all: 120 haiku by 36 poets from 17 countries /応募総数 17か国36人120句
第1位/The 1st Place
鍵を開けわたしでは無くなって来る昼 呼吸(日本)
I cease to be me
the noon
Kokyu (Japan)
9.75 points
第2位/The 2nd Place
口笛を吹けば大樹が笑う夜 呼吸(日本)
At the sound of whistling
a giant tree begins to laugh
in the night
Kokyu (Japan)
9.5 points
第3位/The 3rd Place
分かれ道人間ごっこ冷奴 野谷真治(日本)
A forked road
playing a human tag
tofu served cold
Shinji Noya (Japan)
9.25 points
両腕は夏の空から降って来る 呼吸(日本)
My both arms
falling down
from the summer sky
Kokyu (Japan)
9.25 points
佳作/Honorable Mention
月ふくらむ猫町の時計草 野谷真治(日本)
The moon swells
a passionflower
in the cats’ town
Shinji Noya (Japan)
8.75 points
見えざる方の目で見つめ夏の陽はまだ暮れない 酒本郁也(日本)
Staring with a blind eye
the summer sun
not yet gone down
Ikuya Sakemoto (Japan)
8.25 points
depleted plutonium 消耗したプルトニウム
the creases in a photo 写真のしわ
crossing a face 顔を横切る
Alain Summers (UK) アラン・サマーズ(英国)
8.00 points
温き風肌なぶり 祖霊らと過ごす夜 酒本郁也(日本)
A wind the teasing the warm skin
I’m passing the night
with ancestral spirits
Ikuya Sakemoto (Japan)
8.00 points
キャベツ畑獲られぬままに黄の結界 福富健男(日本)
Cabbage patch
without reaping:
a yellow barrier
Takeo Fukutomi (Japan)
8.00 points
air freshener … 空気清浄器
the promise made 大海原の
by the ocean 約束
Marina Bellini (Italy) マリーナ・ベリーニ(イタリア)
7.6 points
L’illusione allaccia Illusion connects まぼろしが結ぶ
le stringhe delle scarpe- the shoe strings – 靴ひも
mattino di Capodanno New Year morning 元旦
Toni Piccini (Italy) トニー・ピッチーニ(イタリア)
7.6 points
結果発表 第9回世界俳句協会大会席上 2017年9月10日 イタリア・パルマ
Announcement of Results: The 9th World Haiku Association Conference, in Parma, Italy, 10 September 2017.
選考委員長 夏石番矢埼玉県富士見市鶴瀬西3-16-11 世界俳句協会事務所
選考委員カジミーロ・ド・ブリトー(ポルトガル) ユディット・ヴィハル(ハンガリー) エリック・セランド(米国) 鎌倉佐弓(日本) ロマーノ・ゼラスキ(イタリア)
Main judge: Ban’ya Natsuishi WHA Home Office 3-16-11 Tsuruse-nishi, Fujimi, Saitama, Japan
Judges: Casimiro de Brito (Portugal) Vihar Judit (Hungary) Eric Selland (USA) Sayumi Kamakura (Japan)&Romano Zeraschi (Italy)
The World Haiku Association Award 2017
Casimiro De Brito (Portugal) Born in 1938
カジミーロ・ド・ブリトー(ポルトガル) 1938年生まれ
Céu adormecido / Un ciel endormi
os olhos em busca les yeux à la recherche
do fulgor invisível — peixes de l’éclair aveuglant —
que perderam o mar poissons ayant perdu la mer
まばゆい稲妻を/ 探す両目/海を失った魚たち
o sol na crina le soleil dans la crinière
do cavalo: arco-íris du cheval : arc-en-ciel
de cores animais aux couleurs animales
a noite dilata-se, la nuit se dilate,
torna-se numa só noite — tout devient nuit —
paisagem cega paysage aveugle
para onde vais où vas-tu
irmã nuvem tão apressada? frère, nuage, si pressé ?
espera por mim attends-moi
natureza-mãe mère-nature
tudo nela se prepara tout se prépare en elle
para me acolher pour me recevoir
Japanese translations by ban’ya Natsuishi
和訳 夏石番矢
From Ginyu No. 75, July 2017, Japan.
Sou fonte ou ferida? / Fountain or wound?
Sou fonte ou ferida? Fountain or wound?
Sou haste ou flor caída? Stem or faded flower?
Tão frágeis somos How fragile we are
Um homem. Um osso A man. A bone
triste. A luz transformando-se sad. Light becoming
em nuvem escura a dark cloud
人間 悲しい骨/光は/暗い雲になる
Não te canses, mosquito, Do not get tired, mosquito
entre a luz e a sombra. Pousa between light and shadow.
no meu coração Lay down on my heart
Telefone à mão — Phone near the hand
vem voz vem quebrar voice comes to break
o vaso da solidão the vase of solitude
Madrugada ― uma lágrima In the dawn ― a tear
diante da casa in front of the house
onde vivi contigo where I lived with you
夜明け 涙一滴/お前と住んだ/家の前
Contemplo as praias Looking at the beaches
como se olhasse para o dorso like looking at the back
da minha amada of my beloved
O arco-íris The rainbow
separa o homem tears man apart
da sua mulher from his woman
Quando já não tem nada When nothing is left
o homem chora. man begins weeping.
Tem alguma coisa Something is left
English translations by Teresa Salema
英訳 テレサ・サレマ
Japanese translations by ban’ya Natsuishi
和訳 夏石番矢
From Ginyu No. 75, July 2017, Japan.
Poetry Page of Casimiro de Brito
On April 29, 2015, “The Award for Distinguished Service to WHA” was given to Mr. Kuniharu Shimizu. Mr. Shimizu has been one of the advisors to WHA, and the judge of the WHA haiga contest.