Haiku časopis „LOTOS“ (Srbija) i Dejan Bogojević raspisuju VIII internacionalni haiku konkurs za nagradu “Radmila Bogojević“
Tema konkursa: slobodna
Uslovi konkursa:
svaki autor može da pošalje 3 svoje neobjavljene haiku pesme, potpisane punim imenom i prezimenom, nazivom države, na mejl:
nagradaradmilabogojevic@gmail.com. Konkurs je otvoren od 2. V do 22. VI 2024. godine.
Nagrade će biti uručene 24. avgusta 2024. godine na dan rođenja preminule haiku pesnikinje Radmile Bogojević.
Dodeliće se tri nagrade, a od nagrađenih i izabranih haiku pesama će se štampati publikacija.
Haiku magazine “Lotos”(Serbia) and Dejan Bogojevic announce VIII international haiku contest for the award “Radmila Bogojevic”.The topic of the contest is free.
Each author can send 3 unpublished haiku poems, signed with the first name and surname and the name of the country they come from. The works should be sent to the following email address: nagradaradmilabogojevic@gmail.com.
The deadline is June 22. 2024. The awards will be given to the winners on August 24, 2024 – the date of birth of the deceased poetess Radmila Bogojevic.
The selected haiku will be published in a separate publication.